Muama Ryoko Reviews
The Internet was a groundbreaking innovation and still since its invention. It has been at least 50 years since it was invented and it has become part of life. The internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The internet has both worldwide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers regardless of their geographical location.
The Internet based on its definition is simply a network that connects hundreds of millions of electronic devices, like computers, smartphones, tablets, laptops through a TCP/IP or internet protocol. Today, the internet does more than just connection computers, it connects people, lives, stories and businesses. It is a source of information, a social platform and a business network. The internet has diverse uses depending on the needs of an individual or the setting.
And as you might expect for a technology so expansive and ever-changing, it is impossible to credit the invention of the internet to a single person. The internet was the work of dozens of pioneering scientists, programmers and engineers who each developed new features and technologies that eventually merged to become the information superhighway we know today.
Still, the first practical schematics for the internet would not arrive until the early 1960s, when MIT’s J.C.R. Licklider popularized the idea of an “intergalactic network of computers”. The first workable prototype of the internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET; the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers on a single network. But that was still not enough to make it what it is now.
Hence in 1983, The ARPANET adopted the TCP/IP and researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern internet. The online world then took on a more recognizable form in 1990, when computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW).
We simply cannot imagine life without the internet. It is difficult to think of an aspect of your life that has not been affected by the Internet. It has changed the way you work, learn and shop. It has also changed the way you interact with friends, family and lovers, find new music and watch movies. The internet is in everything we do, let us agree that the importance of the internet cannot be exaggerated.
Every modern person almost always assumes that they have a good internet connection. Many people nowadays no longer work in a home office, let alone in their own office. Digital nomads are increasing now more than ever, these remote employees are no longer confined in the four corners of office buildings, breaking themselves free from the 9 to 5 work monotony, instead you see them with their laptops in co-working spaces, coffee shops, public libraries, basically anywhere in the world. There they enjoy WLAN, coffee and can do their work all day long.
But anyone who has ever been to a café knows how crowded these places are when it comes to public WLAN. There is almost no public Wi-Fi that will have a reliable let alone secure internet connection that your work depends on. With many other people around accessing the internet from a single source, you will often experience slow connection which can be a cause of delay in anything you want to get done. This can be distressing. There is a way for you to be do your work online or do anything you want with a safe and reliable internet connection.
Whether you want internet access at your disposal for work or simply for leisure and entertainment, you will be much better off with your own portable router. The Muama Ryoko 4G Pocket Wi-Fi is the device that helps you stay connected regardless of where you may find yourself stopping by. An internet connection that you can have anywhere, without hidden costs and with a fast speed.
This Muama Ryoko reviews article is a review on the Muama Ryoko pocket Wi-Fi, its features and why you should buy it.
What is Muama Ryoko WiFi?
Table of Contents

The Muama Ryoko is a portable router that you can take with you wherever you go to ensure a good internet connection. It is a great option that creates a mobile broadband hotspot connectivity without having a fixed line. It essentially transforms your 4G communication signals into a private Wi-Fi. It can be used to provide wireless internet access, especially in locations where broadband connection is unavailable. Given its wireless nature, you can take it anywhere for usage and are no longer tethered to your home just to get connected or suffer the slow internet connection speed in public arenas.
While you may have 4G data allocation on your mobile phone, it will not last that long because of its short battery life. The Muama Ryoko can be used for up to 12 hours straight before you will need to recharge it. For most service providers, they even offer a better deal for data than your mobile plan in terms of internet access so your rates will be a lot cheaper. If you are the type of person that has a mobile data plan and travels frequently, there is a lot of benefit in using Muama Ryoko 4G pocket Wi-Fi. It can serve as your data connection backup, especially when the signal of your mobile phone network is MIA, which can happen quite often. This way, you can still send that all too important email which you otherwise be unable to do so without a Muama Ryoko portable wireless router.
You can also connect as many as 10 electronic devices to your Muama Ryoko router just like you would with your own wired connection at home. The internet is accessible for as long as you are within 15 meters from the location of your portable Wi-Fi router. With the Ryoko Wi-Fi router, you can connect your favorite wi-fi enabled devices and experience the ease of bringing your own secured network connection in your pocket. With Muama Ryoko, there is only fast and reliable $G LTE internet everywhere you go.
The Muama Ryoko is a portable Wifi router that can be used anywhere. it is lightweight and small enough that it fits easily in your palm. It does not add bulk to your pocket or bag. The manufacturer describes that you only have to make one setting with it to get internet access in 38 different countries without any problems.
Technical Details of Muama Ryoko
As far as the specifications are concerned, the manufacturer is keeping a very low profile, which is why there is hardly any information on the device. But here are the things we know for now:
- It has a sleek design
- It is small and lightweight; hence its dimensions and weight allow for easy carriage, making it very portable.
- The device provides up to 150 Mbs fast speed internet connection. A superfast and secure 4G internet connection.
More information will be made available soon according to the manufacturer. Revisit for the update.

Muama Ryoko Portable 4G Router Key Features
The manufacturer promises that you can connect to the internet practically anywhere you are without having access to the public network. The following are the features of this superb portable router:
- One touch internet access
- Faster internet speeds of up to 150 Mbps
- Includes SIM card with 4G LTE coverage
- Secure internet connection
- The Muama Ryoko has an automatic power off feature during idle times. This means you can optimize its battery life by keeping it on only where there are active users.
- It comes with a free FLEXIROAM X SIM card which has an automatic 500MB data allocation when you start to use the sim. You can also insert any SIM card for this purpose
- Small and light enough to fit in your pocket or bag
- It can be connected to using two simple methods, one is by scanning the QR code with your mobile device. You can also connect by searching its network on your Wi-Fi settings.
- Battery can last up to 12 hours before charging.
- Can connect up to 10 Wi-Fi enabled devices at the same time for usage at the same fast internet speed. You can keep your friends and family online too.
- It works in more than 38 countries around the world.
- Muama Ryoko comes with a 1year warranty which can be extended to 3 years for an additional fee.
The Muama Ryoko from what we can see has all the features necessary for a good internet connection when travelling. You can use Muama Ryoko not only alone but also with family and friends.
How to Use Muama Ryoko WiFi
Only a few steps are required to use it. The manufacturer describes that once you have switched it on, you only need to connect the Muama Ryoko to the device intended for it. That means you connect the portable router via WLAN in the settings. Here is a step by step process of how to get started with Muama Ryoko:
- Step 1: Download the FLEXIROAM X app on your phone. The app is compatible with your Android and Apple phones
- Step 2: Register and login to the app. To verify your account, please open the link that was sent to you. If clicking on the link does not work, please copy it and add it to your browser. Your app should open again and your account will be verified.
- Step 3: Use the app function ‘Link Starter Pack’ and scan the barcode behind the Sim card. Your sim card will be activated and you will receive 500 MB data
- Step 4: Insert SIM card to Muama Ryoko device and turn it on.
- Step 5: To connect your mobile device to Muama Ryoko, press the WPS button on the right side of Muama Ryoko. Scan the QR code with your mobile phone and it will automatically connect to Muama Ryoko internet connection. OR open network settings on your mobile phone or computer. Choose SSID name which is written on your Muama Ryoko screen. Enter password which is marked as KEY on Muama Ryoko screen.
- Step 6: You can manage your 4G hotspot through the web interface at The default username and password is admin
You can enjoy your internet connection.
General Muama Ryoko Test and Quality Characteristics
Some people wanted to convince themselves of the abilities of Muama Ryoko and test its features and therefore ordered one. This was the report:
“Since we travel a lot ourselves, such a portable router is always useful, just as the manufacturer promises. After delivery, we first checked the Muama Ryoko appearance and design and were very satisfied with it. It makes a solid and well manufactured impression, which promises a longer durability. We then put the device through a test and paired it with smartphones and laptops, which worked well. The connection was made quickly and was largely stable, so it is usable on the move and you do not have to worry about any extra costs.
However, one thing must be said; if you are in an absolute dead zone, there is no good internet connection with Muama Ryoko. But this criterion should already be known if you use a smartphone. There are simply zones that are unfortunately not yet sufficiently covered in some countries. By the way, we have also tried the connection rate when several devices are connected to the router. The procedure is very simple. The connection still remained stable and fast. However, there were some minor problems with the battery life. Due to the fact that the maximum number of devices allowed to connect had connected, the battery life turned out to somewhat shorter than was indicated. Apart from that we did not notice any problem with the Muama Ryoko Portable Wi-Fi Router”

Advantages of Using Muama Ryoko Portaable 4G WiFi
There are many clear benefits you stand to gain from using this device such as:
- Safe, reliable and high speed Wi-Fi on the go
- Compact and lightweight
- No cables and wires, all you need is a SIM card to go with it.
- Acts as an internet phone which you can use as alternative to make phone calls
- Cheaper than paying for a data roaming subscription while travelling.
- Connects multiple devices wirelessly using 4G network
- Creates a mobile office by sharing printers and other peripherals
- Maintains your connection anywhere in the world via 4G LTE
- Provides internet access for those who are unable to get broadband or wired connection
- Can act as backup for your phone internet connection
- It has a longer battery life than your smartphones.
- It comes with a 30 Day money back guarantee which allows the user to return the item for a refund or replacement.
- The product also comes with a 1year warranty which can be extended to 3 years for an additional fee.
Disadvantages of Muama Ryoko
- It can only be purchased online at the manufacturer’s official website
- Stock is limited
- It does not work in completely dead zone areas – areas that normally your phone connection too does not work.
- When connected to by multiple devices and heavy internet usage is noticed, the speed of connection tends to slow after a while.
Why you should buy Muama Ryoko US
The internet is almost comparable to water and electricity – many cannot live without them. The great thing about it is that nowadays, it can be accessed in many different ways, one of the most convenient of which is with the use of a pocket Wi-Fi router. With Muama Ryoko Router, you will no longer rely on the nearest café or mall for their Wi-Fi hotspot just to stay connected. It may be convenient for you to access the public Wi-Fi, after all it is free, but at the same time, it can be risky as it is usually an unsecured network. As such, the probability of being hacked and data theft are pretty high, not to mention, all the coffee buying will really add up to your expenses.
When using Muama Ryoko, you do not compromise your privacy and security. This is made possible by the activated firewall and the controlled access to your personal Wi-Fi. You have to remember that sensitive information such as bank account passwords, credit card numbers are at risk when you type them using a free public Wi-Fi.
This device is very practical because it supports high mobility. It enables you to safely browse the internet at your fingertips wherever you may be. You can send that important report just in time, send a message to a client or submit a layout for approval. Thus it is ideal for digital nomads, frequent travelers, and people on the move. It is battery powered which means you do not have to rely on electricity for your Muama Ryoko to operate. Its long battery life makes sure you will able to accomplish everything within the given time before you will need to recharge it.
It is irrelevant whether the router is operated by a young or an older person. Its simplicity makes it easy to understand and ideal for travel.
Muama Ryoko Customer Reviews
Luiet Caroline: “Excellent product, just what I was looking for and the best thing is that it has fast and reliable 4G LTE internet wherever you go, personally it has been very helpful in the time that I have used it since I travel a lot”
Arvndu Namani: “I like this Ryoko portable Wi-Fi router. It is very fast and reliable and I like its design. One of the best advantage is it can connect up to 10 devices and enjoy internet on the go”
Elias Kingstone: “Great product. Very recommended for all the users. Ryoko is the future of routers”
Yoana Williams: “Your quality and services is what matters, I can now have a superfast internet, that makes me come back soon to buy your services and products”
Ali Ahmed: “This Wi-Fi device is high quality and very practical, you can take it with you everywhere and have 4G and LTE signal. I recommend it 100%”
Where to buy Muama Ryoko from?
The best way to order Muama Ryoko is directly from the manufacturer. The manufacturer offers his product on his own website and at the same time provides offers. These usually include not only a lower price but also the possibility to order several of the devices. The advantage is that a single device is available at a much lower price within these formats than if it is ordered individually. So it is worthwhile to have a look at the website from time to time before deciding to buy and check if there are offers available.
Another great advantage is the numerous payment options offered by the manufacturers. Here the buyer does not take any risk because he can use secure methods such as PayPal or Credit Cards. These possibilities also hold out the prospect that if you send the product back if you do not like it, you will get your money back without any problems. A further advantage is the fast dispatch, which takes place up to the front door. A few days after the order, the product arrives and can be used immediately.
There is also a 30 Day money back guarantee. Therefore, you can get your money back if you are not satisfied with the device.
Information about the Provider
Company name: UAB Ekomlita
Company Address: Gedimino g. 45-7, LT-44239 Kaunas, Lithuania.
Tel: +1 (916) 999 9025
Limited Time Offer: Muama Ryoko is available at a 50% discount per unit. There is free delivery on every order. NO SHIPPING FEES
Frequently Asked Questions (Muama Ryoko Reviews)
To which devices can Muama Ryoko Portable Wi-Fi be connected?
You can connect Muama Ryoko to your smartphone, laptop, tablet, personal computer or even a smartwatch. Muama Ryoko can connect up to 10 devices at once.
How do I change the Wi-Fi name and password?
The default Wi-Fi network name and password are printed on the label inside the device and can be seen once the battery is unmounted. You can manage your 4G hotspot through the web interface at The default username and password is admin.
What if my Muama Ryoko device stops working?
If the Muama Ryoko is on and the internet is not working. Please proceed with the following instructions: 1. Restart your device. 2. Checking the remaining mobile data balance on your Flexiroam app. 3. Check if you are not in no signal area
Can I use Muama Ryoko device with my local internet provider SIM card?
Yes, you can insert any SIM card
How much does the shipping cost?
We offer free shipping across the world, which is trackable too at
Conclusion (Muama Ryoko Reviews)
You cannot pass up this opportunity to get a Muama Ryoko portable 4G Wi-Fi, which has more advantages to offer the user on the go, giving you freedom to be where you want to be without having to go offline. No doubt that it is a handy solution for quick internet access.
This is a good way to have a secure, stable and at the same time provide a good internet connection for the family and loved ones. To use it quite simple and you can get yours now at a 50% discount. You best hurry.