Korefocus Review 2020: Should I buy this Balance trainer?

by thegadgetoffice
Korefocus Review

Korefocus review

One thing is to build muscles, another is to gain balance and coordination. Balance is a very important aspect of any workout routine. Not many people consider it necessary but it’s very essential.

Balance is a key component of fitness, along with strength, endurance and flexibility. It’s the ability to control your body’s position whether stationary, as in complex yoga position or in motion, as in skiing. 

How to use Korefocus to achieve balance is what this review is all about!

Maintaining balance requires different muscle groups of the body which helps to build strength and stability.

It is evident how important balance is to living a healthy, functional life. Therefore, incorporating balance training into your fitness training is indispensable. If you don’t know where to start from, start with reading the korefocus review.

Are you also someone that is already incorporating balance exercises into your fitness routine? Follow this Korefocus review to find out more on how to improve your balance exercises.

Balance training is not just for athletes or sportspersons. It’s a key fitness regimen with numerous health benefits. Balance exercises will not just help your physical stability but also your mental stability. Find out more from the Korefocus review.

What is the Korefocus all about?

Table of Contents

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Korefocus Review

Korefocus is a balance trainer board that you can incorporate in your different workout routines to help maintain balance and stability even as you build muscle strength and lose weight. The possibility of using korefocus in gaining balance and stability while still gradually losing weight is a pro. Though, it may not have crossed your mind, you need good balance to do just about everything including walking, getting out of a chair and leaning over to take your shoes. Muscle strength an stability makes all the difference in those and many other things you do every day.

Turn out your ordinary workout into a highly effective fitness routine!

Korefocus has a very versatile design which allows you to incorporate balance training with any body type or any kind of fitness routine. With Korefocus, you don’t have to do away with all your tested and trusted workout routine in a bid to gain balance. All thanks to the versatility of Korefocus. You can apply it in your press ups, squats, dips etc. and convert the most basic exercise into a more impactful fitness routine. It is essential to build muscle strength and stability. No matter the size of your muscle and you don’t have balance, it is a big con. To maintain parity which is essential for healthy living, one has to engage in balance training to give you all the coordination that you need.

Why you need Korefocus  balance trainer

Experts in sports medicine and physical therapy say that in addition to the usual range of motion, flexibility and strengthening exercises, rehabilitation should be aimed at training or retraining the body’s sense of its position in space. It is referred to as proprioception- It allows you to work in the dark without losing your balance or to distinguish the brain from the accelerator without looking at your feet. Aging and injury to the muscles and ligaments can take a toll on proprioception .

Balance training with Korefocus can help reduce the risk of falls in elderly with balance problems and women with low bone mass. Balance tends to erode with time especially if you’re living a sedentary lifestyle- neural connections for example, may be lost if they are not used. So whether you want to recover from an ankle sprain or maintain your long term health, balance exercise trainer such as Korefocus board, should probably be on your “to do” list.


Benefits of Korefocus balance trainer

Prevent injury: Maintaining balance whether as an athlete or not has a dramatic effect on your overall health and resistance to injury. Korefocus helps you to gain balance in the following;

  • Balance in your pushing or pulling strength.
  • Balance between your right and left side, your upper and lower body.
  • Balance in your range of motion.
  • Balance in how often you train different energy system.

Coordination: Balance training with korefocus requires your entire body to work together, otherwise you will fall or stumble. Improved coordination during balance training will be transferred into coordination in every day Life. Bending over to buckle your sandals, walking on an unstable surface, hanging your weight on one leg etc. will not scare you any more.

Joint stability: Balance training with Korefocus promotes stable knees, ankles, hips and shoulder. This can prevent a large array of injuries including sprained ankles and serious knee problems. You can squat, kneel, bend easily without falls or joint strains.

Response time: Balance training can improve one’s response time. If you happen to slip or stumble when performing balance exercises, your body needs to re- balance immediately or you fall. In the same vein, your overall every day life response time will improve. To put it simply, it makes you brave and enables you respond quickly in emergencies especially when you have to save yourself from falls.

Long term health: Incorporating Korefocus balance training into your exercise routine will help maintain and improve your balance, which is needed to prevent falls and fractures. As we age, our balance can deteriorate, something we would rather avoid.

What you should know about Korefocus

Intensity level– moderate.

To balance train with Korefocus, you don’t have to run, jump of do any other type of high- impact or high – intensity exercises. It involves rather slow, methodical movements. It can also be used for regular workouts such as squatting, press ups etc. depending on which, you choose.

Areas of target:

Core– Strong core muscles are required for good balance. Korefocus balance exercise will work out  in a special way, your abs and other core muscles. 

Arms– Korefocus can be engaged in several ways. Doesn’t just focus on balancing the feet but also the arms if you’re doing movements that involve the arms.

Legs– Definitely, because when you balance on one leg, squat or bend forward, you’re working on the leg muscles. There are several movements that can engage the legs using Korefocus.

Gluteus– The same balance exercises that work on the legs also tone the gluteus-.

Back– your core muscles also include some of your back muscles. So, when you’re balance training, your back is actively engaged.

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Korefocus Review


Strength, stability and weight loss. Balance exercises with korefocus focuses on strengthening muscles and improving joint stability even as you gradually burn some calories.

Strength– Many of the exercises will work your muscles, especially the muscles of your legs and core. Some moves will also employ your chest and shoulder. 

Stability– It also focuses on gaining stability and muscle coordination that can enable you stand or jump on one leg, walk on an unbalanced surface without falling or even fear of doing so.

Weight loss– Though gradually, korefocus balance exercise can help you burn some calories and reduce fat. Put you into shape or make you remain in shape.

Good for beginners: Korefocus balance training is good for people of any age and fitness level. It’s recommended for older adults to help prevent falls by gaining the required balance.

Indoors or outdoors: You can use Korefocus anywhere- in your backyard, on a beach, in a park or at home. While you are improving your balance, Korefocus is also helping you to lose weight, define your abs and build a strong, healthy back.

Why Balance Matters

Balance requires cooperation between many different muscles spread across your body. Building balance means building full body strength. This is why balance training is incredibly popular among professional athletes. Balance and Coordination is one of the main fitness components, a factor for success in many sports. In certain sports, such as gymnastics and surfing, balance is one of the most important physical attributes. Good coordination is also vital for sports involving hitting objects.

In many other sports, including team sports, good balance and coordination is an important part of skill development and the overall fitness profile. Most of us already know the benefits of having good balance in day-to-day life, but this also extends into daily sport too. Good balance in sport means you move with greater efficiency and with better control.

Dynamic balance is especially useful for competitive sport, since it means one has more control over their center of gravity in an ever-changing environment.

The beauty of balance training is that anyone can, and should, do it. Balance training improves the health, balance, and performance of everyone from beginners to advanced athletes, young and not-so-young.

If you’re new to exercise, it’s a great place to start. Focusing on your core and balance improves overall strength and gets your body ready for more advanced exercise. Start off easy. You may find that you need to hold onto a chair at first. That’s absolutely fine.

If you’re an advanced exerciser, you’ll likely find you still need to start with somewhat simple moves if balance isn’t your thing. Then push yourself to perform more complex moves that both challenge your muscular strength and your aerobic stamina. 

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Is It Good for Me If I Have a Health Condition?

If you have back pain, balance training is one of the best ways to strengthen your core and prevent strains. If you’re recovering from a back injury, get your doctor’s OK and then start balancing. It’ll help prevent more problems in the future.

When you strengthen muscles, it also helps arthritis by giving more support to painful joints. You may need to adjust or avoid certain moves to decrease pressure on your knees. For example, a balance move that involves a lunge may be more than your knees can handle. Good news is there are many exercises to choose from.

If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or even heart disease, exercise is a must to help you get control of your condition. Balance training is an excellent place to start. The first step of resistance training should focus on core and balance exercises, according to the American Council on Exercise. As you get stronger and become able to perform more intense exercises, balance training can give you an aerobic workout that even helps control blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure along with other aerobic exercise.

What about a pregnant woman?

If you’re pregnant, choose your balance exercises carefully. Women can and should exercise during pregnancy. The main concern with exercise during pregnancy is falling, so moves that make you unstable are not a good choice. Choose balance moves that either keep both feet on the floor or that you do on all fours, like plank (you may need to support your body with one knee on the ground). As with any exercise, if you did it before pregnancy, you’re likely OK doing it after pregnancy. It’s always good to check with your doctor to be sure.

What is the Price and where can I buy Korefocus Balance Board?

We cannot complete this Korefocus review without letting you know the price of this device and the safest, secured and best place to make your purchase if interested.

Like we always advise persons who read our reviews, it is best to make your purchase from the manufacturer’s site. This ensures that you get exactly what you ordered for, get special discounts attached to products and also enjoy some benefits that accrue to customers.

The affordability and efficiency of this product is one that has people talking. One Korefocus balance board costs 49.9$. However, there are other price packages that are available. Two of this balance board is sold at 91.99$ and three at 124.99$.

More so these prices are actually due to a discount promo that is currently going on. You may want to buy yours during this period as discount offers like this never last long.

Multiple payment options are available including PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Amex, etc. and your payment information is always secure with a 256-Bit SSL encryption.

General notes on balance training

Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright, including your legs and core. These kinds of exercises can improve stability and help prevent falls.

Doing balance exercises can be intense, like some very challenging yoga poses. Others are as simple as standing on one leg for a few seconds. Or you can use equipment that forces you to maintain balance like Korefocus

With ankle sprains, it is important to restore ankle function as soon as possible after an injury. One important goal is to prevent the ankle from giving way recurrently during weight-bearing activity, such as running, walking, or even standing. This chronic ankle instability, often caused by inadequate healing or rehabilitation after a sprain, can result in increasingly injurious sprains, arthritis, or tendon problems.

Not just for athletes!

Balance training helps reduce the risk of falls in older adults with balance problems and women with low bone mass. It also improves postural stability after a stroke. More research is needed to identify which components of balance training do the most good and to test them for preventing falls and injuries in healthy adults. So far, the evidence hasn’t been sufficient for an official recommendation, such as the one for physical activity that most of us know (by heart!):

To reduce your risk for chronic disease and preserve function, get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (such as brisk walking) on all or most days of the week, plus resistance and flexibility exercise a couple of times a week.

Many organizations, including the National Institute on Aging, recognize the importance of balance for preventing falls — especially among older people — and recommend certain techniques for improving it, often as part of strength training. Besides being one of the normal challenges of aging, balance problems are also a concern for people with such conditions as Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and osteoporosis.

Much of what we know about balance and proprioception comes from research on ankle sprain and instability in athletes. For example, athletic trainers and rehabilitation experts at the University of Kentucky recommend exercises to improve proprioception at the intermediate stage of rehabilitation following injury — that is, once the ankle is able to bear full weight without pain (Journal of Athletic Training, December 2002). This training also helps cut down on ankle injuries, says Timothy L. Uhl, Ph.D., a faculty member in the university’s athletic training program in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences.

The basic idea is to stabilize the body under increasingly difficult circumstances — for example, balancing on one leg first on a flat surface, then on a wobble board, and eventually on a wobble board while catching a ball or receiving a push to the shoulder.

Comparing balance training with Tai chi

Balance training and tai chi

Healthy older people can reduce the risk of falls with tai chi, an ancient Chinese martial art that incorporates slow turning movements, weight shifts, and deep breathing. But research published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society in December 2006 showed that balance training can outperform tai chi.

The study involved older adults with balance problems. The researchers found that participants who practiced combined balance and step training (CBST) — exercises designed to improve balance and speed while stepping in different directions — made greater gains in balance and mobility than participants who practiced tai chi. The CBST routine included walking backward and sideways, walking on a plank, stepping on and off curbs, practicing heel and toe rises, and catching a ball while standing on an unstable surface.

This study shouldn’t be taken as an unequivocal endorsement of balance training over tai chi. The advantage of CBST was modest, and variants of both methods have been shown to reduce falls when tested individually. In other studies, tai chi has also been shown to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility.

Final verdict and conclusion

So far, from our honest review, you have seen just how much balance training is useful and how Korefocus can help you achieve a fit in that. At any stage of your workout- at beginning or advanced stage, Korefocus is beneficial.

Korefocus can be used by anybody and especially recommended for people with balance problems or ankle sprains. There is no disadvantage of using this product, therefore, I recommend it to all and sundry.

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